Enter... It awaits you. The blood is a nice touch. |
If I had to look back on the
all games I've played, reviewed and seen over the years, the one I'd say that
was the biggest influence on everything, is Quake. While I have reviewed it
before, I feel that for the 1 year anniversary, I'd revisit it.
Gibs, not quite ludicrous however, that belongs to Rise of the Triad. |
One word, "Quake",
most of which is summarised just by that titular word. From Id software comes
one of the biggest and most influential titles ever to grace the gaming world.
Looking at it today, it's a brown coloured, ugly looking polygonal shooter
without the need for reloading or fancy things like regenerating health. It's
fast paced, it's dirty, it's brutal, it's Quake. Yes I know you shouldn't use a
word to describe itself but it's still Quake and it's Quake to do so.
If the cyberdemon didn't teach you to strafe, this guy will. |
At the bare bones, it's a
first person shooter that went almost fully polygonal and is a massive step up
from games like Doom and Duke Nukem 3D where we're using actual 3D maps and
worlds to be created rather than the 5D Space of some engines of the 2D
shooters. Plot wise it's about as basic as it gets, ID wasn't really known for
enthralling in that regard. Mankind invents teleporters, something else hacks
into teleports, monsters arrive, shit goes down, you're all that's left and now
you're going to fix it. Basically it's DOOM but the monsters aren't quite
demons... Even if some of them are based on the HP Lovecraft mythos.
Ogres... Why the chainsaw and grenades though? |
The game is split into 4
chapters branching off from a main hub, each chapter consisting of multiple
levels with a particular battle at the end. Though the game cheats out of this
one, as chapter one has a boss that requires a specific puzzle to be solved to
defeat them, the other levels feature no such other bosses, but rather battles
against slightly tougher enemies than one would normally encounter or a run
through a gauntlet of lots of enemies with little chance to recover or recuperate
items and weapons.
It begins... after one enemy and a secret. |
Quake runs a fairly standard
affair regarding weaponry. You have an axe for when you're out of ammo or don't
want to spend any ammo killing something. A shotgun that has little spread and
acts more like a pistol/sniper with minor damage. Double barrel shotgun carried
over from Doom2s days which stops most minor enemies but gets shrugged off by
larger ones. A nail gun that acts like a projectile based machinegun, quad nail
gun for even more nails being fire faster, a grenade launcher for those that
like their explosives to bounce off walls and pull off trick shots with
grenades that either explode when they hit an enemy or a few seconds after
being fired. A rocket launcher for those that like grenades to be a lot more
direct and finally the Lightning Gun that fires a short range stream of
electricity and butchers most enemies in seconds. Hint: Do NOT use it
underwater, or even near water, you won't survive unless invincible.... but
then neither will anything else.
There's some very interesting architecture in this game. AND Low gravity. |
Monsters are a varied sort of
melee and projectile based enemies. Some will fly and float, others will pounce
and claw, some chainsaw and lob grenades (called ogres... go figure). Later
monsters are magic wielding knights, huge behemothic monsters that throw
lightning bolts and spidery creatures that hurl uncannily-homing projectiles
that explode. While there's also blobs that blow up on death, laser toting
marines, dogs and if it's not the enemies trying to kill you, it's the levels
with a multitude of traps from spikes, pits, crushers, lava, acid or just
trying to drown you like a sack of kittens. Minus the sack... and kittens.
And "psych" in 3... 2... 1... |
The single player only goes so
far though. Quake, while having a fast paced single-player mode, was made more
famous by the multiplayer and with that, some of the most frantic, almost
arcade-fast, death matches, team matches and co-op play for the time. Modems,
networks and the internet soon after it was released brought about Quake as THE
online death match game to play and thanks to additional software like Quake
Spy and Quake World, online gaming caught like wildfire and the game ascended
into fame.
He never stood a chance. |
Death match works on the
principle that every player gets a shotgun and some shells and they're shoved
into a map for either a set amount of time or until someone gets X number of
kills. Depending upon the map would depend upon the tactics, some had all the
weapons, some featured tower-like layouts, some were huge sprawling areas for
open combat and others were claustrophobic nightmares with traps for the
unwary. Rocket jumping, grenade hopping (though coined earlier by games like
Marathon) and learning maps by sound (i.e. hearing when and where items were
picked up could indicate where another player was in the game, bringing about
people not picking up every item to make others THINK they were elsewhere, then
ambush those planning an ambush... We got rather sneaky!) were advances made
for the more tactical player. Or it's a race for the rocket launcher and quad
Remember, this was groundbreaking stuff in the post-doom era. |
Quake however really took off
when the game began to be modded by other players. While not a unique concept,
mods had been created by many other games and in multiple ways ranging from
changing all the enemies to look like cocks to the more advanced things like
Total Conversions where only the original game engine was the same and even
then the physics and style of the game was drastically different. For an
example, think Doom and Aliens TC for an idea, or go further with Action Doom
and such changes. Quake had itself an army of modifications that ranged from
the bonus content of add-ons like Quake mission packs, the more high brow mods
like Quess (Quake done as a chess game in the style almost of battle chess),
Flight Sims with players fighting it out in planes and helicopters, Rally Quake
for those that liked driving with guns, bonus models and skins, playing through
quake as a monster rather than the usual human and the list really does keep on
Say it with me now, STRAFE! |
It spawned a new wave of
bedroom coders and modifiers that took to it like a duck to water and later
development companies took the original engine and boosted it to the point that
it became Half Life. Online communities sprang up around quake and around even
individual modifications took on feverous fan bases that decried others and
touted their own personal favourites as the best thing since, well.. Quake.
Dark, moody and atmospheric. Also very, very, brown. |
But while it spawned mods and
inspired generations of engines to be developed, it also fronted the art (and
it's a fine art if you can do this unassisted) of Speed Running. Quake done
Quick being one of the first, biggest and best examples of taking a game and
trying to find the fastest route you'll possibly imagine (and many you won't
until you see these videos) in setting personal targets of fastest times,
killing everything, all secrets, in hardest modes and so on until you've so
many different ways of doing a game quickly that it becomes about as
complicated as judging scores in the para-olympics for handicap specification
and setting. Take the fastest first level done on the hardest difficulty and
you're looking at less time than most people take just picking their first
difficulty setting. 25 seconds and it's getting faster and more chaotic from
there onwards. A combination of grenade hops, rocket jumps (and descents to
fall faster), strafe jumping and using enemies as a catapult when they strike,
brings a game beaten from start to finish in less time than some people take to
beat the first level.
Go ahead, enter... |
In closing, bow down, thank it
profusely and be glad that a game like this helped catapult forward and shape
the gaming world as we know it today (before bullshit like regenerating health,
slow pace-controlled levels and mad things like PLOT get involved) and remember
that even now.
The Dopefish still lives.
P.S: From here on, I shall be posting to the blog only once a week so that I can continue work on a rather lovely website,
30+ Gamer where I have been posting mostly about arcade games and will continue to do so. So hopefully, I'll see you there for more Bod related articles, particularly ones on being disappointed but, as already said on the front page, it's fairly expected.